cooperative learning approach and students attitude towards mathematics

Cooperative learning is another method of teaching and learning that involves the students of different stages of willingness work cooperatively towards a common objective. Improving Students' Attitudes Toward Mathematics Through Numbered Heads Together Cooperative Learning Models with Scientific Approach Megita Dwi Pamungkas Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Tidar, Magelang, 56116, Indonesia Therefore, incorporating cooperative learning approach in teaching statistics was found to have a positive effect on enhancing students’ performance and attitude towards statistics. increased student’s positive attitude towards statistics in the experimental group as compared to the control group. The literature revealed positive effects of cooperative learning on students, especially in the areas of achievement and attitudes toward learning of mathematics content. Therefore , there is a need fo r research on this sub ject. This study investigates the effects of jigsaw cooperative learning on the achievement and knowledge retention of 80 final-year Vietnamese mathematics students, as well as reporting their attitudes toward this form of learning. These tertiary students were divided into two matched groups of 40 to be taught by the same lecturer. The attitude of students towards mathematics is a factor that is known to influence students’ learning and achievement in the subject. Using the cooperative learning style approach, students take the mentality of working as a team to get through a problem. The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Students' Mathematics Achievement and Attitude Towards Mathematics Problem statement: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning on mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics. Generally, it clearly exhibited a positive effect towards cooperative learning method on the performance of students, as well as positive attitudes towards learning. Cooperative learning is the learning model where the students work together as small groups and help to each other’s learning (Slavin, 2015). In the experimental The purpose of this study therefore was to determine the effect of students’ attitudes towards their learning and achievement in mathematics by first trying to establish of this learning approach on both the academic success levels of students and their att itudes towards mathematics activities. Cooperative learning is a type One class (n = 44) was assigned as an experimental group and the other (n = 38) was assigned as a control group. The literature revealed positive effects of cooperative learning on students, especially in the areas of achievement and attitudes toward learning of mathematics content. Approach: This quasi-experimental study was carried out on two form one classes in Miri, Sarawak. Students’ Mathematics Attitude towards Cooperative Learning Teams-Games-Tournament Abstract-Teaching and learning mathematics with cooperative Team-Games-Tournament (TGT) has been associated to improving attitude, cooperation and sharing of knowledge of mathematics among students.

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