importance of bridewealth in africa

It cannot disappear because it is a custom” (cf. Those who are younger, are not supposed to marry before him/her. App.#, no. According to some respondents the minimal amount to be paid in the first installment that would give the groom the right to live with the bride was one cow and one goat (cf. Traditionally speaking, the payment of bride price in Africa is a practice that is as old as time itself. Despite this, there are also many similarities between African weddings and the customs that surround them. Throughout the continent many individuals are electing for non-traditional forms of marriage that do not abide to traditional African marriage customs or more modern religious customs. App.#, no. Also, it serves as a tool against easy divorce. Modern Research Studies: An International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4. (Eds. P. 1. They defined bridewealth as money or a token of some kind as agreed upon that is given in exchange for the bride. The interview was in Swahili. Chosen members of both families would be involved in bridewealth negotiations. 2). Secondary marriages include levirate and sororate. Bridewealth and polygyny were the two most widely discussed features of African mar-riage among early missionaries and colonial administrators in Africa (Phillips 1953:195). The Yoruba integrate many traditional Yoruba marriage customs (such as arranged marriages and bridewealth) into their Christian and Islamic ceremonies. Two respondents mentioned that “the father of the groom was supposed to provide at least one cow for bridewealth of his son. As a recommendation, the researcher would suggest to make a further inquiry into the modern practice of bridewealth in order to find new ways of fulfilling that still relevant cultural obligation. It helped to create friendship, to give thanks to the parents of the bride, a way of appreciation, but also an obligation. The Yoruba call this ‘Mo mi i mo e’ (know me and let me know you) while the Igbo call it ‘Ikutu aka n’ulo’ (Knock on the door). It’s especially widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia. African customs create a rich culture. Inability to pay bridewealth among some young people was a main factor to elope and to live together in unions that were not traditionally recognized as marriages. Dandora. Whenever the husband went to visit the father of the wife, he was expected to bring something, usually cash, for the family” (cf. App.#, no. It consists of an elaborate ceremony with heavy involvement from both families. Another claimed it was 3 cows and 4-5 goats (cf. Retrieved from, World Book, Inc.,. Payment of bridewealth gave the young couple an official permission to live together and have children (Mbiti, 1975, p. 108). This point was also stressed by Waruta (2005, p. 107). Among them there were 8 women and 5 men. By asking the large amount of money or a large number of animals, the parents were focusing on becoming rich rather than in anything else. These forms of attire are worn to integrate traditional African dress with modernized religious weddings. At the same time Mbiti (1975, p. 108) and Bikorwomuhangi (2005, p. 4) noticed that for some parents it was a way of getting money. It was “the most responsible phase in life” (Mbiti, 1975, p. 104). On the part of the groom (“or”) the following could participate in it: elders from the family, the father, uncles and friends. Some parents would ask for some little token to facilitate the marriage. It thus points to the importance of obtaining good data on bridewealth for understanding marriage and gender in Africa. [5] The wedding will consist of more modern marital customs relevant to the religion of the participants families. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. Even now, some animal is to be given as a part of dowry. The complexity and importance of bridewealth and its practical relevance to the daily life in the contemporary society influenced the researcher’s desire to undertake a more deep study of this topic for his MA dissertation. At home the gift ‘replaces’ her reminding the family that she will leave or has left and yet she is not dead… The gift legalizes her value and the marriage contract. A 35 year old Luo lady who was married for 10 years was interviewed. Although many studies describe the particulars of the bridewealth transaction and emphasize its importance, there is little causal evidence of its effects. (2018). It is here that payment from the groom's family to the bride's is made and wedding rings are exchanged. African weddings often consist of modern Islamic/Christian ceremonies whilst intertwining traditional African beliefs and practices. It gave him more freedom in asking open-ended questions which provided the respondents with the possibility of replying to them in their own words (Barker, 2002, pp. For example in Senegal there are almost 47% of the marriages where they feature more than one woman. That rope would be then returned to him when bridewealth was paid. It is symbolic” 6(p48). App.#, no. Various authors referred to in the literature review seemed to suggest that the practice of bridewealth would continue in spite of its above mentioned disadvantages and socio-cultural changes taking place, especially in modern cities such like Nairobi. The bride’s qualities and education would be important in negotiating the amount of bridewealth. It contributed to the spread of promiscuity and HIV/AIDS. If he is not able to afford it, he is to get at least a rope which will be used to take that animal to girl’s parents. This is where the bride inherits gifts from her family with the purpose of using them within her new home. The payment, which may include money, property, animals and commodities, can often equal a year or more of income. A good wife is the best investment any man can ever make. Such a situation contributes to the spread of promiscuity and HIV/AIDS (cf. The various marriage ceremonies performed in Africa begin with the initial introduction between the groom and bride. It was never a solitary affair. ), Holding the World Together: African Women in Changing Perspective (pp. All respondents mentioned that bridewealth played an important role in the society. 40-41) talked about urbanization, with its various dimensions, as one of the major reasons of sociological changes that occurred. First of all, it was a means of exchange – animals were given to bride’s family and a bride and ‘not yet born children’ were given to groom’s family. [10], Within Ghana, it is common for the maternal uncle to pay dowry. It was a means of strengthening relationships, legalizing marriage and legalizing children. Bridewealth was given in terms of livestock and money. Both groups saw bridewealth and polygyny as instruments of male domination and sym- Mbiti (1969, p. 140, 1975, p. 108), Magesa (1997, p. 122) and Waruta (2005, p. 107), emphasized that bridewealth should not be seen in terms of ‘payment’ for the girl – it was rather a way of fostering her dignity by showing her how important she was for the groom. They are often encouraged against marrying for love or sexual attraction. Dandora. Even though money is a preferred way of paying it, some animals have to be provided as a part of the bridewealth. Bride price, also called bridewealth, is common in many different societies. Children are taught through folktales that families built on love and attraction risk damaging the foundation of their community. 2, 8). According to the researcher, the most appealing explanation used by those authors to support this view was the one rooted in the fact that in the traditional African society the purpose of human existence was understood in terms of fostering life. 24.01.09. App.#, no. Such an approach is seen as a way of avoiding commitment and contributes to the phenomenon of ‘come-and-stay’. Within many African communities, such as Nigerianethnic groups, the engagement is where the traditional practices are performed. [10] The married couple would have fairly minimal interaction with one another, to such an extent that the wife would often refer to her husband as the father of her sons name. She claimed that it is the family of the bride that would go to the family of the groom to negotiate the amount of bridewealth. If he could afford, he would be the main contributor to pay bridewealth. The researcher used content analysis to interpret data. c. Will frequently forgo the payment if the man is nice. However, even if money is given, at least one cow is to be given. To most African populations, clothing is a significant and important part of the engagement ceremony and the religious marriage ceremony. They are taught from a young age that marriage is about responsibility and providing to their society by having children. (2019). Fostering of that life force took place through marriage, which was “the most responsible phase in life” (Mbiti, 1975, p. 104). If people cannot pay it, it spoils the relationship between them and the parents. They may perform their own simplified ceremonies as a response to their economic conditions. It was a “seal of relationship” (Waruta, 2005, 107). The father of the groom is supposed to help his son in giving him at least one cow. However, even if money is given, at least one cow is to be given. O’Donovan (2000, pp. If the researcher was to draw some conclusions based on his research findings, literature and class notes review (being aware of the danger of generalization), he would say that. Keeping in mind the small scope of this project, the researcher decided to use some elements of descriptive statistics in order to provide simple summaries of the findings. It suggests that the one function of bridewealth common to African societies is the legitimation of marriage, a function that enhances rather than diminishes the status of women in the African context. 14.02.09. App.#, no. Otherwise they would not allow the wedding to be celebrated. Bridewealth involved the parents of the girl. Importance Of Bride Wealth In Bridewealth. However, if there were children born in that marriage, bridewealth was not to be returned; If there were problems in the family, and the bridewealth was spent, it, somehow, forced the wife to continue staying in an abuse relationship; If bridewealth was given in livestock, if there was a disease, it could be easily lost; In case of the death of the wife before bridewealth was completed, it could create tension between the husband and late wife’s family concerning the place of burial; The institution of bridewealth could be used as a means of abusing and disrespecting the bride. Within many African communities, such as Nigerian ethnic groups, the engagement is where the traditional practices are performed. Due to the sheer size and diversity of Africa, wedding customs vary greatly not just between countries but between local communities. 108-109); Marriage being a duty that one was to undertake, and bridewealth being its necessary component, pointed out to the sacred dimension of life in Africa. As a result, some engagements are broken, some couples elope and others live together, until they can afford dowry and a wedding while others register their marriages secretly” (2005, p. 54). [2] It is common practice in Africa to combine practices of major religions with local religious traditions. Furthermore, one of those similarities that holds across sub-Saharan societies is the use of bridewealth as a way of “creating alliances between kinship groups” (Anderson, 2007). [10] This form of relationship emphasizes the importance of marriage towards social stability and minimizes the significance of the bond between the husband and wife. 24.02.09, Tangaza. 26.02.09. Bikorwomuhangi, E. (2005), “Traditional Marriage among the Luo of Kenya” In Katola, M(ed). It is of traditional belief that the child does not know when he is ready to marry, therefore the parents will make the decision for them. App.#, no. LOVE, MARRIAGE, AND FAMILIES IN AFRICA. If the groom himself cannot afford to pay bridewealth, his parents, family and friends would contribute. [7] The amount of bridewealth that a family is able to pay serves as an icon of her family's social status and indicates how much the family will be able to support the groom's. Many people were involved in the process of bridewealth. Ogbu, J. Secondly, animals were used in a number of rituals and celebrations. Some mentioned practical ways of accommodating the practice due to the difficult economic conditions that affect many young people. It would be given in envelopes. They believe that if they forfeit it an evil thing will happen. Bridewealth was given because it opens the door to two families to know each other. He could use it for a variety of purposes. One lady described it as follows: “the groom has to pay it because of my hardships involved in bringing my daughter up. These days money seems to be used a lot more. It was “a way of showing respect towards the parents of the girl because an individual was paying for the expenses the parents had concerning their daughter” (cf. One Luo respondent defined bridewealth (“nyombo”) as a “payment that is given in exchange for the girl” (cf. The main objectives of the study to which the researcher wants to find answers are as follow. Mbiti defined it as “a token of gratitude on the part of the bridegroom’s people to those of the bride, for their care over her and for allowing her to become his wife. 27.03.09, Dandora. 2. These new ways would comprise the traditional understanding of bridewealth and take into account difficult life conditions of many young people in Nairobi that create an obstacle or make it even impossible to fulfill it. Among advantages of the custom she enumerated: It was an official recognition of the marriage; official recognition of the status of the bride as a wife and of the children; If the wife died before the bridewealth was paid, the husband would have to pay it before he could be allowed to marry her – paying bridewealth was a way of avoiding future issues; It gave the wife respect – she was seen as a wife of so and so; It was also a sign that the lady was no more available for marriage to somebody else. Journal of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, 4(1), 94-104. Some young people could not marry, either traditionally or in the Church, because they would not be able to raise it. If it was not paid, the father of the bride could curse the couple. Some would elope. If bridewealth was not paid, it would usually cause some problems; The recognition of the union depended upon groom’s capacity to pay it; It could result in treating the wife as one’s property – bridewealth paid was used as an explanation to mistreat the wife. It could happen that the wife and the children would have to stay in an abuse situation because the family of the wife would not be able to return the bridewealth in case she wanted to leave the husband (cf. Most of the respondents lived in unions, some for even for a long time, that would not be traditionally recognized as marriages. Some authors noticed that there are changes taking place in the contemporary African society. 17.01.09. 2). A curse could also result from breaking certain taboos around bridewealth, like somebody eating the chicken prepared for the groom (cf. Other Africans are unable to participate in tribal or community centric ceremonies as they are required to move far from their community for employment. Thirdly, animals served as evidence that bridewealth was paid. All of them were adults between 27-54 years old. What are the advantages of the practice of bridewealth. Prof Achola provided the class with three main reasons of the use of livestock in payment of bridewealth. The payment of bridewealth was considered in terms of an ongoing process, strengthening the relationships between the families and communities involved (Kam, 2004, p. 4, Puthenpurakal, 2005, p. 14). 11). The interview guide was corrected and updated on several occasions due to feedback from the field assistant and the respondents. It plays a very important role in our traditions and cultures. Some respondents were referred to above mentioned changes taking place in the modern society as reasons for the tradition being challenged. Due to Africa's expansive diversity, marriages within the continent are not limited to previously mentioned forms of marriage. 940 Words 4 Pages. Bridewealth was an integral part of marriage process (Mbiti, 1975, p. 107, Magesa, 1997, p. 122, Warura, 2005, p. 102). His interest lies in investigating whether the contemporary understanding of bridewealth, with its various dimensions, among the Luo urban dwellers of Nairobi remains the same in comparison with its traditional meaning as found in literature. His task consisted of coming up with a set of categories, and then to analyze his text again in order to find out how many instances fall into that category (Dominik, 2007, p.53). 9). On the other hand, one person added that “some denominations try to do away with bridewealth believing that bridewealth was causing drift in families”. It was an outward expression of the seriousness of both families involved in marriage and a symbol of marriage bond. Ominde said that the payment of bridewealth among the Luo took place when the boy who wanted to marry has officially presented himself to her parents and obtained their consent (1952, p. 47). Dandora. He would be the one involved at all stages of the process. He saw it also in terms of money generating approach which meant that a girl was, as if, sold to the other family. This is a gift from the groom or his family to the bride's family, often in livestock but sometimes in … To many Africans, bridewealth is considered to be a crucial part of a marriage ceremony and the marriage will not be acknowledged until the bridewealth has been paid. It was a way of showing respect and appreciation to them for the work and expenses of bringing up their daughter (cf. (1978). The results show a dramatic shift away from traditional beliefs within African communities, with young people holding more progressive attitudes towards relationships and marriage. Kisembo supported that view by saying that “when bridewealth is demanded in cash, it becomes more difficult to collect” (1998, p. 210). Kithinji asserted that “In Kenya today, dowry has almost been completely commercialized. Others would even leave the responsibility to pay it in the hands of the groom. Bridewealth was usually paid in form of livestock, especially the cattle, foodstuff and money (Taylor, 1963, p. 72). They would be the first ones to whom the son would communicate his desire to marry. Bringing my daughter up various expenses involved in bridewealth negotiations a lasting relationship, importance of bridewealth in africa anthropologists call affinity educated lady! Wife will also be involved in the contemporary society that would reflect multidimensionality the! Animal is to be barren man can ever make or unachievable disadvantages of ‘ monetisation of... Ceremony and the parents meant that they were blessing them of Humanities and social Sciences and Public Affairs,.. 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